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Stressed? Write it out!

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

Making decisions can be tough. Replaying old conversations in your head is overwhelming. Who was right? Did I really say that? I can't believe he/she said that to me! Should I stay or should I go? If I go there will be trouble. If I stay it will be double (The Clash ear worm for you).

Writing out all of the words floating around in your head will help you sort out what you are really thinking. This is along the same lines as making a pros and cons list, but also along the same lines as a free write.

The Clash's song lyrics have been floating around in my head because I am nervous about going on a trip. In addition to that song lyric I have the following thoughts:

-If I stay home, I know I'll regret not going later on

-If I go, I'll feel sad/guilty that I left everyone behind

-If I go, I will meet lots of really cool people

-If I go, I'll be doing something for me - isn't that okay?

-If I stay, I could feel resentment toward my family - but what if something terrible while I am gone? What if this the last time I see them? All fear-based thoughts. Do we want to make decisions based on fear?

-If I go, I'll come home a better version of me

Okay. I'll go. I'll have fun. I'll come home. If something "bad" happens while I am gone, I'll come home sooner.

Some lists and internal conversations will be longer, but by writing it out, you can get all of those thoughts out of your head. Instead of feeling like an unending barrage of questions floating in your head, you can see it's really only seven or eight. If more questions or thoughts pop up, write them down too. Drain your brain of unnecessary chatter.

UPDATE: I did go on the trip. I feel great! Everyone in my family is better off for having a better me around, too!

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