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Purposeful Writing

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

WHY are you writing?

Journal: This is emotional writing that is just for you. This is very similar to free writing. You are writing whatever comes into your head. DO NOT worry about spelling, grammar, punctuation at this point. Just write! This is typically the kind of writing that occurs when emotion is behind it. For example, you are mad, sad, upset, elated, etc., so you need to write. Get the negative emotions out of you and down on paper! Keep the happy emotions flowing by putting them on paper!

Some will suggest burning the pages on which you wrote your negative emotions. I have kept many of my journals because my negative emotions sparked poetic creations. I would suggest that you do what feels right to you. If you feel like burning it (in a controlled environment, of course), then please do. Energy will be released and transformed in that way also. However, if you choose to keep your pages, I would caution you against re-reading those pages and being sucked back into the situation. The idea is to release the negativity and transform it into something positive (maybe poetry, maybe a blog page...who knows?).

I kept my old journals not only because of the poetry I began to create in them, but also out of a sense of closeness to my late fiance. I wasn't ready to release that energy. Much of this was fear-based. As contradictory as it sounds, I was afraid I would forget the pain, the sadness, and the grief. I have decided that it is time to release that energy. Again, I would stress that these should be done in your own time.

Writing is not just for the sad or depressed. When my son was born, I wrote a poem to him titled, "My Favorite Time of Day." It was about putting him to bed and having that closeness just before sleep. That was a piece of writing that was also full of emotion - love.

Feel free to view this video on writing and it's link to the subconscious.


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